Sunday School Rotation Model


Interview with Amanda Klinkenberg about Sunday School


            This past month I had Amanda Klinkenberg from the board of education answer some questions about the new Sunday school model that they are going to be doing starting on Sunday Sept 9.
            First I asked her where they learned about the Sunday School Rotation model.
          “Denise Dermondy suggested a model like this last year. She has seen it at a family member’s church and really liked the program,” Amanda told me.
            Secondly, I asked her to briefly describe how the program works.
            “The students study the same Bible story for three weeks. Each week, they will do a different activity based around the same story. The students will learn the Bible story in a much more profound way after doing a variety of activities with it,” Amanda described.
            Next I asked her to describe the writing process for the lessons.
            “We have some lesson examples from another church to get us started, but essentially we start with the Scripture and think of various ways we could study it with students – through art, games, drama, music and so on,” Amanda explained.
            I then asked her to tell us a little about the first rotation.
            “The first rotation is about Moses. In the art lesson, students will weave a basket. In the video lesson, students will watch a video clip about Moses and the burning bush and discuss it. In the games lesson, students will learn about Pharaoh’s last chance and do a couple of different activities about that.”
            I continued by asking her if she had a particular rotation that she was looking forward to.
            “I’m really excited about the third rotation about the Tabernacle. I learned so much just reading through that lesson and I can’t wait to see how much fun the students have with it,” Amanda said.
            Next I asked if there are any spots still open in the first rotation that people can volunteer for.
            “We have many open spots for teachers and shepherds left. The sign-up board is in the Narthex and people can sign up for as many positions as they want,” Amanda said.
            Finally, I asked if there was anything else that she wanted to add.
            “We have put a lot of work into getting this ready and we are very excited about it. We really think it will deepen the Scriptural understanding for our children. We keep trying to entice people by saying that you only have to teach for three weeks, and it’s the same lesson every week. That is true, but we would also love for people to commit to helping out for longer periods. We won’t turn away volunteers with a willing heart!” Amanda concluded.